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时间:2018-08-01 18:30    作者:admin 返回列表

Low nitrogen burners have been a hot topic in recent years, and more and more people are paying attention to this field. For some enterprises, such as the army of low nitrogen burners, low nitrogen burners may be a little strange. Many of them have only a vague idea of a low-nitrogen burner, largely stuck in the news of "state support" and "little impact on the environment". So what is a low nitrogen burner? What are the specific criteria for a low nitrogen burner to distinguish from a general burner? What are the differences between different types of low nitrogen burners? I think there are many doubts in the minds of not only many laymen, but also many insiders.


In fact, low-nitrogen burners have been gradually rising in the world since 2006. The first investment in the development and production of low-nitrogen burners is mainly developed in Europe and the United States and the developed world. Based on the advanced industrial foundation of the west, low-nitrogen burners have been widely popularized and applied in the west since 2010. So far, it has basically replaced the traditional fuel oil, gas burner! In recent years, China's economic development has gradually reached a new level, and gradually began to eliminate backward production capacity, so the low-nitrogen burner has gradually entered the public's vision! At the same time, the rapid development of domestic basic industry also laid a solid foundation for the road of low nitrogen combustion in China.

Now at home, low nitrogen burner is mainly divided into two levels, one is the low nitrogen under 30 mg burner, one is below 80 milligrams of low nitrogen burner, 30 mg of low nitrogen burner is north district pilot promotion, while the low nitrogen under 80 milligrams of burner has completed the pilot promotion in Beijing, and achieved good results, is further extended to the country! Thirty and eighty milligrams of nitrogen oxide per hour of the burner is under thirty or eighty milligrams! Now active in the domestic low nitrogen burners are mainly imported brands. However, with the continuous progress of China's technology, a large number of domestic low-nitrogen burners also began to emerge. Although there is still a long way to go before the domestic low-nitrogen retrofit, this is also an opportunity for the burner manufacturer, so that we can have enough time to constantly improve our own technical level and catch up with and surpass the western developed countries in the field of low-nitrogen burners! We firmly believe that although the competition is fierce, the future can be expected

For more information on low nitrogen burners, please consult Beijing chuangwei electromechanical equipment co., LTD.
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