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    时间:2018-06-19 13:46    作者:admin 返回列表


     since 2017, issued after the boiler nox emissions standards for new boiler nox emissions below 30 mg, in boiler nox emission is less than 80 mg. For most in use gas boiler owners on the market at present, means must be replaced as low nitrogen burner, in order to meet the emission requirements. So low nitrogen burner choose to consider what are the important parameters?


    NOx emissions


    It is necessary to meet the requirements of national and local environmental protection emissions. On the premise of meeting the requirements, from the perspective of corporate social responsibility, the equipment with lower NOx emissions should be selected as far as possible.


    The tail oxygen content


    In order to reach the maximum excess air coefficient of full combustion, which is about 1.1, the theoretical tail oxygen content is about 2%. A higher tail oxygen content usually means a reduction in burner efficiency. The optimal tail oxygen content of the ideal burner can be controlled within 3%. The tail-oxygen content of combustion burners on the market's surface is usually around 7%, which means the same amount of heat is produced, compared with 3% of tail-oxygen content, which requires about 6-8% more natural gas to be consumed. For the owners who operate all year round or whose equipment is under high load for a long time and whose natural gas consumption is relatively high, it is very important to select a burner with low tail oxygen content to reduce the operating cost.



    Adjustable than


    Low nitrogen burners with electronic proportional regulation should usually have a high adjustable ratio of at least 5 to 1. A lower tunable ratio means more ON/Off stops during the actual operation and more gas consumption. Unless it's stable load all the year round in a smaller range of boiler, choose a high adjustable ratio of burner for reducing the consumption of natural gas, reduce running cost, prolong the service life of equipment is very important.

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